Cathy Bui Title.png

Cathy loves people - how they are crafted so individually but all live to love and be loved.

Her storytelling is an exploration of vibrance, curiosity, difference, & heart. 

Cathy loves sitcoms. Her spirit animal will forever be Steve Urkel. 

She loves 80’s pop and heart-wrenching ballads because it’s special how music can make you dance & cry. 

+ She is excited to create stuff - branded content, adverts, music videos, and narrative stories.  

Stories make people feel seen. She strives to do that with everything she makes.

Resume is available upon request.


Telly Awards - “Falling (in Love)” - Adobe After Effects” - Gold 2021

Telly Awards - “Together Again - Adobe” - Silver 2021

LA Advertising Awards - “The Break-Up - Spotify” - Gold, 2021

LA Advertising Awards - “Together Again - Adobe” - Gold, 2021

SHINY New Directors Awards - “Together Again - Adobe” - Shortlisted, 2020

SHOOT - “HPA sets Young Entertainment Professionals class of 2021” - 2020

CSU Media Arts Festival - “Our House” - Top 30 Winner, 2020

Business Wire - "Light What You Love - Lamps Plus,” 2019

Press Telegram - "Light What You Love - Lamps Plus,” 2019

HomeWorld Business - "Light What You Love - Lamps Plus,” 2019

Newsbreak - "Light What You Love - Lamps Plus,” 2019

Patch - "Light What You Love - Lamps Plus,” 2019